Welcome to my soul. How have you liked your journey so far? I hope the guide you were assigned
was helpful. This is the place where you can find little pieces of my soul. That's what I once
heard a poem is. A glimpse into a person's soul. And - to tell you the truth, I have yet to see
that this is not true. I hav always found that once I write a poem, there's a little piece of my
soul down on paper. Please be careful with these bits of me. Do not steal them or claim them as
your own. I place them here for you to read only. This is my soul . . . .
Love's Bite
Slowly, slowly, she wakens
Something seems different
Something seems strange
Her eyes flutter open
Their green depths darting around the room
Searching, searching, they seek what's new
Beckoning, beckoning, she listens
The night calls to her
The night sings to her
Sweetly, a song of temptation
Awakening a desire, a need, a hunger
Intense, intense, it screams to be satisfied
Struggling, struggling, she fights
The sheets entangle
The sheets inhibit
She begins to panic
She starts to feel lost, overwhelmed, when
Suddenly, suddenly, the sheets are pulled gently away
Blinking, blinking, she looks
A loving face smiles at her
A loving hand touches her
The panic fades, vanishes
He gathers her close, whispering soothing words
Tilting, tilting, he offers her surcease from her hunger
Fanging, fanging, she hestitates
Despite the nagging desire
Despite the unending hunger
She seeks to make sure
Reassured with a nod, smile,a soft kiss, she bites
Feeding, feeding of her love's life blood . . .
Once upon a moon
A dark, full moon
I found a love
I found a fool
What can I say
What can I do
I thought you were right
I thought you were true
You turned from me
You left me behind
You didn't say why
You never said goodbye
Only left me here
Alone and torn
Left with a heart
That has broken apart
Need more bits of my soul? Move on . . . .
More Cracks
Yet More Cracks
Choose thy path. Choose wisely. Reflections is the beginning, the Heart is a story, the mind is - a law unto itself . . .
The Heart
The Mind
Sign the ShadowLight's book before moving on - she loves to hear from her visitors.
Read the Marks | Leave thy Mark
These links will take you to the rest of the realm of ShadowLight.
Home / Illumination / Symphony
The image seen in the headers of these pages is from a work called "Marian" by Jonation Earl Bowser.
I did not create it, I have merely used it as part of the graphics here on this site.
Please visit his site by clicking on the banner below. He is an amazing artist and I love his work.
All graphics and words here are � 1997-2001 to ShadowLight unless otherwise stated. Please be kind
and leave them here. A lot of work went into creating them. Thank you very and enjoy your stay.
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